Laser Hair Removal Procedure

Treating Burns After a Laser Hair Removal Procedure

Laser hair removal has become popular these days. It is considered safe and effective at removing hair. It also takes a while before your body hairs grow again. It is better than shaving as the hair is removed from the root.

Laser Hair Removal Procedure

Unfortunately, you can still suffer from burns from laser hair removal. A laser is still dangerous if the skin is highly exposed to it. This is why only those who have been trained and certified can do the procedure. Generally speaking, a laser is still emitting radiation and it can be damaging to the skin if not used the right way. In some cases, it can lead to third-degree burns. As it is radiation, it can be more painful than other types of burns and it could take a lot longer to recover. This is true especially if you are using it on the most sensitive parts of your skin like the underarm.

There are instances where you can suffer from first-degree burns. This is the mildest type of burn. It is easy to identify. You will just have redness on your skin and mild swelling. Your skin might peel. This happens a few hours or within a day after the procedure. The good thing is that it is just on the surface of the skin and it is easy to treat. This will heal in just a few days.

Treat the skin burn

If it is a simple problem, you can treat it as soon as you arrive home. A cool compress on the burnt area would work. This should be done for 10 minutes until the pain in the area subsides. You can also apply essential oils that are suitable for skin burn. Aloe Vera extract would work. The burn will start to heal within 3 days and should fully recover in 20 days.

Just remember though that this is only applicable for minor skin problems. If the problem is severe, you might have to consult a medical expert. You might not even get back to work for some time as the affected area could be painful. Your skin might not even go back to its original form again and this is devastating.

You need to file a claim

You need compensation after what happened to you. Don’t just let this pass. You entered the clinic hoping that they would do the right thing and help you remove the hair from your body. If they failed to do it and hurt you in the end, you have the right to file a beauty claim. They are totally responsible as you were a paying customer.

You need the best people to help you get through the legal battle.


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About the author

Kim Lee

Kim Lee lives in Tampa, Florida and focuses on living an intentionally happy life, helping others live better, and having a whole lot of fun. She loves to write, read, enjoy the outdoors, and play with dogs.

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