Six blog marketing strategies

With many online blogs earning their authors six figures a year, getting your blog marketing strategy right can completely transform your life. Here are six strategies to help set you on your way.
1. Identify your target audience

Before writing your first post or even designing the look of your blog, you need to know exactly who you want to appeal to. As this article explains, more than 75% of all internet users actively read blogs, so there is a huge opportunity to form meaningful connections with a large audience.

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2. Use search engine optimisation (SEO)

To ensure that your content is visible on relevant search engine results pages (SERPs), it is important that it is fully optimised and populated with the right headlines, keywords and phrases.

3. Develop an email strategy

Curating an email list can be an excellent way to market your content to an engaged audience and secure repeat visitors. It is important to send out regular email communications, ensuring that each one is formatted for readability and has a click-worthy headline.

4. Learn from analytics data

Analytics data is one of the best ways to understand everything from who is visiting your blog and where they came from, to how long they are spending engaging with your content, and the journey they take on your blog.

Marketing strategy consultants, such as the team that can be seen at, have the expertise to help you obtain key learnings from your analytics data.

5. Understand your competition

To ensure that your blog is providing the best possible value to your audience, you need to know what your competitors are doing. Inspect everything from their layouts to their social media presence. This will help you understand whether they possess any weaknesses that can be capitalised on to drive further success for your own blog.

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  1. Maximise shareabilityWord of mouth can be extremely powerful, particularly as people trust recommendations from their friends and wider social networks. So, incorporating share buttons into every piece of content you post can help you to reach a wider readership and expand your network.

About the author

Lisa Alther

Lisa Alther is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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