Six factors that can play a part in the development of a mental illness

Understanding the causes of mental illness can go a long way towards helping people to recover successfully. Whether you are looking for mental health training courses Newport or resources online, there is lots of information available. To help understanding, let’s look at six factors that can play a part in the development of mental illness.
1. Stress

Stress is a significant factor in the development of mental illness; for example, those who suffer from abuse, divorce or isolation are more likely to experience mental illness as a result.

2. Childhood trauma

People who have had trauma in the past are more prone to developing mental illness than those who haven’t. According to a study in PubMed there is a particularly strong link between childhood trauma and mental illness.

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  1. GeneticsSome mental illnesses may have a genetic link, making those with a parent who has a condition more likely to experience mental health problems themselves.4. Substance misuse

    People who take drugs or misuse alcohol are more likely to trigger mental illness symptoms, including paranoia and mania.

    5. Hormonal changes

    Fluctuations in hormones can sometimes create mental health problems. This can include severe PMT during women’s menstrual cycles, menopause, and hormonal changes during puberty.

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  1. CharacterCertain personality characteristics may make people more prone to mental health issues. This includes perfectionists and those with poor self-esteem.Seeking advice on mental health

    If you want to learn about supporting people with mental health issues, there are lots of resources available. Training providers such as can provide more information.

    With the right support, most mental health problems can be managed and overcome. Following a doctor’s advice and learning about mental health are the first steps to getting life back on track.

About the author

Lisa Alther

Lisa Alther is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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