pillars of eternity gameplay

The pillars of eternity gameplay explained

Pillars of Eternity is a party-based role-playing game. Like many other games in the genre, it has four party members. These characters are bound together by fate to face the dangers of the world they live in, but each one approaches them differently. There’s Aloth, the scholar who believes that all knowledge can be found through study; Vynn, the dual-wielding rogue with a personality best described as “sassy”; Maia Rua, an elven druid who sees all nature’s creatures as her kin; and Durance, a priest of Magran who embraces fire as his weapon against evil. There are also optional companions you can recruit throughout your adventure: Dog being one of them! This article is presented by https://thekindle3books.com/

The fundamentals of Pillars of Eternity

The first thing to know about Pillars of Eternity is that it’s a role-playing game and a spiritual successor to Baldur’s Gate, which was released in 1998. For those who haven’t played either game, the RPG genre is characterized by narrative-focused gameplay and character growth through leveling up. The story involves an evil god named Bhaal who has been resurrected and wants to remake the world in his image—the player’s job is to stop him or her from doing so. You may like also: How to make cookies on minecraft

The second thing to know about Pillars of Eternity is that it has what some might call an unusual combat system: rather than having different classes with their own special powers, your party members all fight using one of three classes (warrior, rogue or wizard). Your characters level up independently and gain new skills as they do so; however, they can also equip certain items that give them access only to certain abilities (for instance, wearing chainmail gives you some defensive skills but no offense).

pillars of eternity gameplay

How to manage your party

  • You can change your party members by going to the Party tab in the Character screen.
  • You can change which party member is in what position by clicking on them and selecting their new position from the drop-down menu.
  • You can change what equipment they have equipped by clicking on them, then selecting Equip from their options underneath their portrait.
  • You can change tactics that they use in battle by clicking on them, then selecting Tactics from their options underneath their portrait.
  • To switch between characters during a fight, press F5 (or whatever keybind you’ve assigned).

Party roles

In Pillars of Eternity, you can have up to six party members in total. Your main character is always in the first position, and then there’s a tank (second), damage dealer (third), healer (fourth), ranged damage dealer (fifth) and sixth member that can be any of the above class types.

The tank takes the brunt of the damage and draws enemy attention away from your squishier party members while they deal damage or heal at a safe distance.

The damage dealer deals high amounts of damage but is often second in line when it comes to attacking enemies behind their shield wall. This means that if an enemy attacks them first, they won’t be able to defend themselves well enough without taking more hits than other characters will take in their place – so keep this in mind when setting up your party composition!

Healers are there for keeping your party alive by healing whatever wounds they might suffer during battle; whether it be physical or mental ones brought on by magical attacks like mind-affecting spells that turn allies into zombies!

Crafting and the Blacksmithing skill

The Blacksmithing skill is a crafting skill that allows you to create, modify and repair weapons and armor. The first time you gain the blacksmithing skill, it is at level 1 and can only be used in the wilderness (no cities). The second time you gain this skill is at level 2 and can be used in cities or out in the wilderness. The third time will allow it to work anywhere.

The most basic use for your blacksmithing skills comes from repairing damaged equipment with a hammer/anvil. You’ll find these throughout various towns or ruins that have been left behind by civilizations long ago – usually located near an NPC who sells armor or weapons (who also usually doubles as someone who repairs items).

When using your Blacksmithing abilities during combat, they don’t do anything by themselves because they’re part of something called Item Creation:

Traps and the Mechanics skill

Traps are a great way to deal damage to your enemies. You can find traps in the game world and they can be crafted by the blacksmith. Traps are used in combat by the rogue character class, who needs quick reflexes to avoid them while hunting down their prey.


The combat in Pillars of Eternity is tactical and relatively complicated. It’s also very rewarding to win fights, as you’ll get experience points for doing so. But more importantly, the game is about exploration, character interaction and dialogue-driven storytelling. So if you’re looking for something more than just dungeon crawling or hack n’ slash gameplay, this might be just the right game for you!

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