What are the different types of business cards?

Many businesses use different types of tools for networking and communication. These tools include using business cards, billboards, and audio-visual advertisements. In today’s technologically advanced world, businesses are coming up with a digitalised form of marketing tools, but some traditional approaches are still considered essential, such as using business cards. Many printing agencies provide quick business card printing services.

In earlier times, people used to get a simple business card printed with common designs, but now they try to market their business by incorporating unique ideas in their marketing techniques so that their business stands out among the rest.

A business card is a perfect tool to promote a business because you can give away as many cards as you want. It will help your potential customers keep your brand’s essential information handy. You can even customise your card based on the type of information you want to convey through it. Many people use their cards as a way of introduction because it presents your legitimate professional identity and affiliation with a brand.

If you want to get some business cards printed for your brand, but you don’t know about the different types of cards available in the market, then you can refer to the following points:

Trade cards

There are different types of businesses in the market; some are connected to the trading industry. Such businesses usually carry their business cards along with them because it helps them spread the word about their trade and help them reach a wider audience. Trade cards are made with elegant and minimalistic designs that only contain essential information. These cards represent the business through an image of information creatively so that t catches people’s attention.

The classic card

The classic card doesn’t have any vibrant or creative appearance; it only contains the necessary information like the company name, logo, contact details and owner’s name. These cards are used for reference purposes. So if you want to get a card printed with the usual information, then you can list the information, choose a classic theme and ask a printing agency for a quick business card printing service.

The wild format

Many businesses like to try the available card formats for their business cards, but some like experimenting with unique shapes and giant sizes. This is because they believe that anything that makes their business stand out among the rest will be a good marketing strategy. Hence, they incorporate extraordinary design so their target customers can be attracted to their brand.

The social card

The social card templates keep changing with time and innovative approaches. The traditional social cards had email ids and contact numbers mentioned on them. Still, people also incorporate their social media accounts so that they can follow them on different platforms. Many people also add QR codes to make it easy for their customers to find and pay them.

Orientated cards

Initially, the business cards were printed in horizontal orientation, but now many businesses are getting them printed in vertical format. It makes their card unique from the other ones. Similarly, many companies are experimenting with square and circle-shaped cards for their businesses.

These points list all the business card styles available in the market. You can approach a printing agency online and check out all the styles and templates available on their website, and based on that information; you can select the style that matches your business.

About the author

Sylvia James

Sylvia James is a copywriter and content strategist. She helps businesses stop playing around with content marketing and start seeing the tangible ROI. She loves writing as much as she loves the cake.

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