Can Squirrels Eat Bread?

Can Squirrels Eat Bread?

Squirrels are endearing little creatures that many of us love to watch and feed in our yards or local parks. Their energetic antics and fluffy tails make them fun to observe. As backyard wildlife, squirrels will happily accept treats, especially nuts and seeds. But is bread safe for squirrels to eat? Here’s a closer look at whether can squirrels eat bread and how it affects them.

Bread Isn’t Natural Squirrel Food

In nature, squirrels eat a diet primarily of nuts, seeds, fruits, fungi, and even the occasional insect or egg. Things like bread, crackers, cereal, chips, and other human foods are not part of a natural squirrel diet. This doesn’t mean they won’t eagerly accept these foods if offered, only that these foods are not what squirrels evolved eating and digesting.

Squirrels Can Eat Bread in Moderation

Squirrels Can Eat Bread in Moderation

In small quantities, bread generally won’t harm healthy adult squirrels. Whole grain breads can provide fiber and carbohydrates for energy. Squirrels also need adequate protein in their diets, which bread lacks. Too much bread could displace more nutritious foods in a squirrel’s diet. One of the biggest concerns with feeding bread is that squirrels, especially young ones, will fill up on low-nutrition food rather than seeking healthier options.

Risks of Feeding Bread to Squirrels

There are a few potential risks associated with feeding bread to squirrels:

  • Nutritional imbalance – As mentioned, too much bread can lead to vitamin/mineral deficiencies and prevent squirrels from eating better foods.
  • Dental problems – Bread is soft and can get stuck in squirrel’s teeth, leading to decay. Hard foods help keep their teeth trimmed.
  • Digestive issues – Bread doesn’t contain the fiber squirrels’ guts need. It may cause constipation issues.
  • Weight gain – High-carb bread can easily cause obese squirrels who have trouble foraging, making them vulnerable.
  • Metabolic disorders – Excess bread could cause diabetes in squirrels who eat too much.
  • Moldy bread can make squirrels sick. Only feed fresh bread in small pieces.

Healthiest Bread Options for Squirrels

If you wish to offer bread occasionally, choose whole grain varieties. Look for breads with added seeds and nuts for protein and healthy fats. Good options include:

  • Whole wheat bread
  • Multigrain bread
  • Rye bread
  • Seeded bread varieties (sunflower, pumpkin, flaxseed)
  • Fruit and nut breads
  • Sprouted grain breads

Avoid refined white breads and sweet breads like doughnuts, muffins, biscuits, and croissants, as these are unhealthy options.

Tips for Feeding Bread to Squirrels

Tips for Feeding Bread to Squirrels

If you choose to share bread with local squirrels, keep these tips in mind:

  • Offer bread only as an occasional treat, not a daily food.
  • Choose whole grain varieties and limit portion sizes.
  • Tear bread into small pieces to reduce choking hazard.
  • Make sure bread is fresh, not moldy.
  • Feed bread along with nuts, seeds, fruits & veggies for balanced nutrition.
  • Avoid allowing squirrels to become dependent on humans for food.
  • Monitor squirrels for signs of obesity or illness if feeding regularly.
  • Feed sparingly during winter when squirrels need high-energy foods.
  • Don’t leave uneaten bread outside to get stale or attract rodents.

Squirrels are smart, resourceful foragers equipped to thrive without human food sources. While squirrels can eat bread, it shouldn’t be a dietary staple. Offer bread only in moderation along with healthier options if you wish to supplement wild squirrels’ diets. By employing common sense precautions, akin to the thoughtful approach of sharing picnic leftovers with neighborhood wildlife, one can effectively learn how to keep cats out of flower beds and maintain a harmonious garden environment.


Q: Can baby squirrels eat bread?

A: Baby squirrels should not eat bread, as their growing bodies need more nutrient-dense foods. Mother squirrels feed babies a milk-like substance until they are weaned onto solid foods like nuts, seeds, and berries.

Q: Is white bread bad for squirrels?

A: White bread is not ideal for squirrels. It lacks the fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals that squirrels need. Whole grains provide more nutrition. Limit white bread treats.

Q: Do squirrels eat bread crusts?

A: Yes, squirrels will eat the crust along with bread’s soft center and crumbs. The crust provides fiber. Tear off small crust pieces to reduce choking risk.

Q: Why do squirrels stash away bread?

A: Squirrels have an instinct to hoard and stash food, even unnecessary items like bread. They bury food to store for leaner seasons. Stashed bread often goes uneaten.

Q: Can too much bread kill a squirrel?

A: While rare, it’s possible for a squirrel to die from exclusively eating human junk foods like bread to the exclusion of natural foods. Moderation is key.

About the author

Lisa Alther

Lisa Alther is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

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