There are a few things that commonly cause disputes between neighbours, and one of the most common of all is the garden fence! Who owns the fence, who is in charge of maintaining the fence, and the type of fence that is used are all things that crop up many times between neighbours all over the UK.
It is worth making sure that you know what your rights are and also what rules you need to adhere to when you are putting up a fence, because as well as upsetting your neighbours, the wrong fence could also get you into trouble with your local authority. It is also best to make sure that you have a job done properly, and get professionals like this fencing Cheltenham based company to put your fence up for you – but before you start, here are some of the things to be aware of…
Which side of the Fence is Yours – This can often be a source of problems and although many people will tell you it is always the right side, this is not a definite rule, and it is something that you really need to check.
Height of the Fence – The maximum height allowed for a fence in the back garden is 6 feet and 6 inches – any higher and you are likely going to be asked by the council to take it down.
Position of your Boundary – In order to know exactly where this is you will need to check the deeds for your property. This is worth doing before putting up a fence to ensure that it is not encroaching onto your neighbours’ land or cutting off some of your own land.